Art in Scotland tv

Art in Scotland tv

Art in Scotland tv is a new web site showing interviews with some of Scotland’s leading artists. My exhibition Uncharted Waters, showing at the Burgh Hall Gallery, Linlithgow till the 3rd of August is one of the artists interviews/films. If you have not had the...
Artist Talk and Workshops at Burgh Hall Gallery

Artist Talk and Workshops at Burgh Hall Gallery

ARTIST GALLERY TALK – Thursday  5th June 2014.  7pm -9pm To coincide with my exhibition Uncharted Water at the Burgh Hall Gallery I will be giving an artist talk on Thursday 5th June  7pm -9pm. I will walk you through the gallery and introduce you to my world of...
Uncharted Waters. Solo Exhibition, Burgh Hall Gallery, Linlithgow

Uncharted Waters. Solo Exhibition, Burgh Hall Gallery, Linlithgow

The beautiful historic Burgh Hall Gallery, Linlithgow is showing a collection of my work from Friday 9th May to 3rd August 2014. The exhibition will be showing a selection of woven tapestry  and stitched paper sculptures inspired by my love of the sea. Please join us...
Drawing Room Session

Drawing Room Session

Drawing Room Session at the Gallery of Modern Art   The second Thursday  of the month the Gallery of Modern Art hosts a Drawing Room Session. This is a creative workshop lead by an artist in response to a work from the gallery collection or current exhibition....
Artapestry3 At Anger

Artapestry3 At Anger

Artpestry3 at Anger, january 2014 I will be exhibiting Still Waters at the Anger Museum alonside a tapestry from a pastel by Paul Klee (Children of the Nile) image on