Continued Professional Development for Tapestry Artists

This Study Program is now in its 4th year and proving a very popular course for artist who want to further their tapestry skills.

Introduction to Studio Practice is a part time study program which offers students the opportunity to build their creative and technical skills in tapestry weaving. It is aimed at weavers who have completed a beginners course and are looking to extend their practice by committing to an extended and intensive programme of study.

The study program runs from January to September and consists of 5 x 2-day workshops, delivering 8 creative projects covering weaving techniques, design development and project planning. Between each workshop you will be expected to commit to a period of guided and self-directed study through a series of projects. The course will encourage you to follow your own line of research and enquiry, developing a body of visual research in both design and weaving techniques.

On completion of the course, you will have a greater insight into the creative process, from research and design, to building a wider range of tapestry skills. You will have the opportunity to plan a personal tapestry project to be completed over the summer months.

There is no written/essay element to this course, but students will be expected to document their research on a chosen subject, contemporary artists and exhibitions, as a way of reflecting on their practice.

The workshops will be held in the creative environment of my weaving studio at WASPS studio, Stockbridge, Edinburgh. EH3 5AY

ns. Students should have a basic knowledge of tapestry weaving alongside evidence of creative engagement. This could be sketchbooks or work in other mediums – painting, printmaking, photography, textile design, etc

A commitment to attending all 5 workshop and engaging with group discussions. On booking you will be asked to provide some examples of your work (max 8 images) and a short ½ page statement about your work and motivation for applying for the course. This will help to give me an idea of what stage you are at in your creative journey, allowing me to give individual and directed teaching. For further information about the course, please call 07877457332 or email

Course programme and dates            

Workshop 1   25th– 26th January 2024

Approaching tapestry. Back to basics

In the first workshop we will begin by re-visit the basics of weaving, expanding your tapestry weaving techniques.

Project 1. Building a visual recourse.

Project 2. Technique. Exploring warp and weft

Workshop 2. Inspiration and design.  7th– 8th Mach 2024

In response to project 1. Building a visual recourse, we will consider how this research can help you to develop your design ideas and how they can be evolved through using sketchbooks.

Project 3. Design. Finding inspiration/building visual vocabulary

Project 4. Research. Contemporary art

Workshop 3. Design to tapestry – Sampling. 18th– 19th April 2024

Moving from design to weaving there are many things to consider. We will bringing together your visual research and your weaving skills

Project 5. Weaving both ways. Drawing and mark making in tapestry

Project 6. Colour studies for woven tapestry.

Project 7. Art and theme.

Workshop 4.  Designing and planning a personal project. 30th– 31st May 2024

Looking at your journey from ideas and inspiration to a final design and planning your final project

Project 8. Personal project planning.

Workshop 5. Finishing touches – Presentation.  5th– 6th September 2024. (TBC)

Reviewing the results of your final project and the work you have produced over the series of workshops, considering how to select, finish and present work for exhibition.

Study outcome          

By the end of this study program, you will have a greater understanding of the creative process that will take you from inspiration through the design to finished tapestry. Having researched, sampled, and planned your tapestry you will now be able to enjoy designing and weaving with more confidence. This is just the start of your creative journey. It is time to set goals, make plans and continue to develop your creative practice.

Entry requirements.                                              

Applying for a place on the course

Places on this course are limited. This course is open to creative practitioners (weavers, painters, sculptors or designers) with some experience of tapestry weaving or students who have a have attended a beginners or introduction to tapestry course, with me or other artist/organizations. Students should have a basic knowledge of tapestry weaving alongside evidence of creative engagement. This could be sketchbooks or work in other mediums – painting, printmaking, photography, textile design, etc.

A commitment to attending all 5 workshop and engaging with group discussions. On booking you will be asked to provide some examples of your work (max 8 images) and a short ½ page statement about your work and motivation for applying for the course. This will help to give me an idea of what stage you are at in your creative journey, allowing me to give individual and directed teaching. For further information about the course, please call 07877457332 or email


Introduction to studio practice.  £995.

Payment. Deposit of £395 on booking to secure your place. Followed by the balance of £600, 4 weeks before start of the course or 6 monthly payment plan of £100 (February – July)

Your tutor

Fiona Hutchison is a graduate from the tapestry department, Edinburgh College of Art. Teaching is an important part of her creative practice, and she has been running workshops from her Edinburgh studio for over 20years. She also teaches workshops for Dovecot studio, West dean College and Edinburgh University. When not teaching she develops here own work to commission and for exhibition in the UK, Europe and internationally.